3078 Production of the parts of the Strangers bench, 2006
3079 Detail of chair designed for De Bolder, 2006
3299 Illustration of theme The Forest, 2015
3299 Interior De Rotterdam (Photo by Daria Scagliola and Stijn Brakkee), 2015
3078 CAD drawing of bench developed for RGD Detentiecentrum, 2006
3299 Illustration of theme The Garden, 2015
3065 Exhibition view, 2004
3118 Maarten Kolk collecting flowers in the Noordoostpolder, 2007
3280 Droomhuis, a house intended only for animals and plants, 2013
3299 Interior De Rotterdam (Photo by Daria Scagliola and Stijn Brakkee), 2015
3380 Website, 2016
3065 Detail of exhibition plan, 2004
3065 The kitchen and associated designs, 2004
3209 Daily Hanky as shown at the Salone del Mobile 2010, 2010
3041 Tokyo Daytripper before coating is applied, 2001
3136 View from the plane on the way to New York, 2009
3118 Clay samples of the Noordoostpolder, 2007
3299 Isometric view of interior section The Forest, 2015
4030 The collection of Dust Furniture assembled, 2004
4030 Dust Furniture version of the Ear Chair, 2004
3299 Note left at the elevators of de Rotterdam, 2015
3380 Collage of diorama installation in Somerset House, 2016
3299 Illustration of theme The Curtain, 2015
3380 Copy of item from the Parlour of Rianne Makkink & Jurgen Bey in foam, 2016
3299 Interior De Rotterdam (Photo by Daria Scagliola and Stijn Brakkee), 2015
3065 Assistant taping a pattern on the floor, 2004
3065 Detail of exhibition plan, 2004
4030 Prototype for the Dust Furniture collection, 2004
3299 Illustration of theme The Garden, 2015
3118 Exterior view of the Noordoostpolder residency, 2007
3380 Detail of the foam installation, 2016
3299 Isometric views of various interior sections, 2015
3065 Overview of the exhibition, 2004
3380 Jurgen Bey adjusting the setup of the Design Diorama installation, 2016
3299 Interior De Rotterdam (Photo by Daria Scagliola and Stijn Brakkee), 2015
3380 Hand out accompanying the installation, 2016
3380 Construction of the foam installation, 2016
3078 Mounting of a Strangers Bench to the ground, 2006
3118 Work of Atelier NL presented at the Noordoostpolder, 2007
3380 Copy of item from the Parlour of Rianne Makkink & Jurgen Bey in foam, 2016
3136 Interior view of the Droog+ Store, 2009
3006 Model of the Sun-Dial, 1998
3065 Bird’s eye view of the exhibition, 2004
3380 Construction of the foam installation, 2016
3065 Exhibition view, 2004
3118 Lonny van Rijswijk at work, 2007
3078 Lasercutting the metal parts of the Strangers bench, 2006
3065 Visitor in the exhibition, 2004
3065 Taped floorplan of the bathroom, 2004
3299 Draft, 2015
4040 Jurgen Bey installing Disorder Sent to Heaven, 2005
3299 Interior De Rotterdam (Photo by Daria Scagliola and Stijn Brakkee), 2015