MOBILE • adjective: mobile
herehere 1. Able or willing to move easily or freely between occupations, places of residence, or social classes. “an increasingly mobile society”. Order Valium Overnight 2. (of a shop, library, or other service) Accommodated in a vehicle so as to travel around and serve various places. “a mobile library visits once a fortnight”. 3. A mobile phone. “we telephoned from our mobile to theirs”.
sourceenter Synonyms: able to move, able to move around, moving, walking, ambulant, ambulatory, travelling, transportable, transferable, portable, movable, locomotive, manoeuvrable; itinerant, peripatetic, nomadic, peregrine, wandering, roving, rangy; airborne, mechanized, motorized, waterborne, seaborne.
click here source url Origin: Late 15th century: via French from Latin mobilis, from movere ‘to move’. The noun dates from the 1940s.
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