INDUSTRY • noun: industry. Genuine Diazepam Uk go to site 1. Economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories. “new investment incentives for British industry”. 2. An activity or domain in which a great deal of effort is expended. “the Shakespeare industry”. 3. Hard work. “the kitchen became a hive of industry”.
Cheap Valium follow url Synonyms: manufacturing, production, fabrication, construction, industriousness, diligence, assiduity, application, sedulousness, sedulity, conscientiousness, steadiness, tirelessness, persistence, pertinacity, perseverance, dedication, determination, rigour, rigorousness; activity, busyness, energy, vigour, effort, labour, dynamism, zeal, productiveness; archaic laboriousness, continuance; rare perseveration. Origin: Late Middle English (in sense 2): from French ‘industrie’ or Latin industria ‘diligence’.
source linkhere Minutes-Crockery is a tea-and coffee-set made by making new combinations of existing molds. The economic value of crockery is literally translated into the time that the craftsmen in the factory devote to colouring the decorations by hand.
click here After the first firing an impression of the adornment in grey chalk is put onto the porcelain. It is then coloured by hand and finished off in the kiln. The minutes of painting determine the ornaments as well as the price of the ceramics.