Buy Diazepam Msj go to link WASTE • verb: waste; 3rd person present: wastes; past tense: wasted; past participle: wasted; gerund or present participle: wasting.
see click here 1. (of an area of land, typically an urban one) Not used, cultivated, or built on. “a patch of waste ground”. Diazepam 2 Mg Buy Online 2. Use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose. “we can’t afford to waste electricity”. 3. (of time) Pass away. “the years were wasting”.
get link follow Synonyms: uncultivated, barren, desert, unproductive, infertile, unfruitful, arid, bare; desolate, solitary, lonely, empty, void, uninhabited, unpopulated; wildsquander, fritter away, misspend, misuse, spend recklessly, throw away, lavish, be wasteful with, dissipate, spend like water, throw around like confetti; go through, run through, exhaust, drain, deplete, burn up, use up, consume; informal blow, splurge.
source site enter Origin: Middle English: from Old Northern French wast(e ) (noun), waster (verb), based on Latin vastus ‘unoccupied, uncultivated’.