4044 The Cleaning Beauty Table, 2007
3153 The Bonsai Table at the Cramer+Mitterand gallery, 2008
4045 Model of a statue of a cleaner, 2007
4050 Jurgen Bey driving the Slow Car at the Vitra Campus, 2006
3153 Detail of the Pocket Watch of the Reading Table created for the RePacked exhibition, 2008
3368 Drawing of the Seaweed Site in the Werkplaats Centraal publication, 2017, ongoing
3216 The Bed Crate of the Crate Series, 2010
3153 The KadE Chair (Photo by Bob Goedewaagen), 2008
4044 Production of the Cleaning Beauty Cabinet, 2007
4069 Production of first model of the Stubborn Chair, 2010
3402 Model of the Compost Kliko Toilet, 2017
4044 Detail of embroidery on the Cleaning Beauty gloves, 2007
4019 Prototypes of the Ear Chair given a new skin, 2002
3368 Producing, processing and studying seaweed in the Seaweed Warehouse, 2017, ongoing
4044 Production of a porcelain bucket, 2007
3216 The Vanity Crate of the Crate Series (Photo by Stijn Brakkee), 2010
3101 Flowers blooming in the Cubic Meter Culture Crates, 2007
3368 Farm using seaweed to feed the cattle and fertilize the land, 2017, ongoing
3056 St Petersburg chairs in the Baltic Home Theatre, 2002
3153 Detail of the Wedding Cabinet (Photo by Bob Goedewaagen), 2008
4044 Production of the Cleaning Beauty Cabinet, 2007
4071 Detail of the Blue Cabin, 2010
4044 Rianne Makkink inspecting the production of the Cleaning Beauty kites, 2007
4044 Production of the ceramics of Cleanliness is next to Godliness, 2007
3243 The Cabin Seat presented at Galleria Nilufar Milano, 2010
3073 Work station at the ROC Apeldoorn, 2007
3306 Bowl made for the Cheese Maker, 2014
3056 St Petersburg chair before flower skin, 2002
3153 Detail of the Reading Table (Photo by Bob Goedewaagen), 2008
3368 Resident designers of the Seaweed Site, 2017, ongoing
4036 Attese Cratevase on a wooden table, 2008
3153 Detail of embroidery on the Social Sculpture, 2008
3179 Personnel of the Go Slow Café, 2008
3153 Detail of the Book of the Reading Table created for the RePacked exhibition, 2008
3336 Cover of the Werkplaats Centraal publication, 2017, ongoing
3216 The Vacuum Cleaner Crate (Photo by Stijn Brakkee), 2010
3368 Harvested seaweed transferred onto land, 2017, ongoing
3368 Construction of the Seaweed Warehouse, 2017, ongoing
3368 Spread of the Werkplaats Centraal publication on the Seaweed Warehouse, 2017, ongoing
3003 The Glass Curtain partly transparent, 1995
4044 Artisans doing embroidery, 2007
3153 The Stools (Photo by Bob Goedewaagen), 2008
3073 Interior view of ROC Apeldoorn, 2007
4050 Person working in the Slow Car, 2006
3308 Early model of product developed for the Concept Room, 2014
3402 Detail of the Compost Kliko Toilet (Photo by Pim Top), 2017
4050 Strip of the Slow Car in use, 2006
3147 Clay charms of the Hermitage Chain drying, 2009
3153 RePacked edition of the Amersfoort chair, 2008
3153 Social Sculptures waiting to be packed, 2008
4044 Draft for an apron featuring embroidered cleaners, 2007
3402 Illustration of the Compost Kliko Toilet’s possible uses, 2017
4044 The Cleaning Beauty Cupboard, 2007
3073 Detail of the chairs before the blue paintjob, 2007
4044 The Cleaning Beauty Cabinet, 2007
4044 The Vase Bath with Spout, 2007
1001 Indian woman sweeping the street, 2002
3368 Harvested seaweed drying, 2017, ongoing