4044 Drafts for the Cleaning Beauty kites, 2007

4044 The Vase Bath with Spout, 2007

4044 Draft for an apron featuring embroidered cleaners, 2007

4044 Rianne Makkink inspecting the production of the Cleaning Beauty kites, 2007

4044 Detail of embroidery on the Cleaning Beauty gloves, 2007

4044 Production of a porcelain bucket, 2007

4044 Drawing of the Cleaning Beauty Cabinet, 2007

4044 Production of the Cleaning Beauty Cabinet, 2007

4044 The Cleaning Beauty Cabinet, 2007

4044 The Cleaning Beauty Cupboard, 2007

4044 Artisans doing embroidery, 2007

4044 Detail of embroidery on Cleaning Beauty gloves, 2007

4044 Craftsman producing bowls for the Cleanliness collection, 2007

4044 Set of bowls presented on the Cleaning Beauty Table, 2007

4044 The Cleaning Beauty Table, 2007